Why Moms Are the Best Invisalign Candidates

We all know mothers are overworked and don’t do enough for themselves. Moms devote the bulk of their time, energy, effort, and mental space to the needs of their children. If you aren’t sure how to prioritize yourself, start with your smile and find out why moms are the best Invisalign candidates.

Patience Is Your Middle Name

The length of time it takes to straighten a smile depends on the orthodontic treatment a person gets, the condition their teeth are in, and how well they adhere to the rules of treatment. The good thing is, moms know everything there is to know about having patience, whether it takes six months or longer to straighten their teeth.

Carpools, naps, school activities, long stories, interminable games of hide and seek, waiting for curfew – patience is a built-in requirement for mothers. If you can withstand these demands repeatedly, you’ll be an excellent Invisalign candidate, especially if your treatment only lasts for 12 months or less.

You Thrive on a Schedule

Motherhood can feel like Groundhog Day, but you are building essential skills by honoring the schedules your kids need to thrive. Whether you’re sticking to mealtimes and naptimes for toddlers or keeping your middle schooler on track, you rely on the schedule your life has adopted. It won’t be difficult to add one more thing to that list, especially when it’s for your own good.

Invisalign works by a schedule too. Two weeks in one set of trays, then switch to another set to move the next several teeth. Rinse and repeat until your entire smile is in alignment. You’ll never feel like you’re marking time or that your organizational efforts are underappreciated – Invisalign is hard at work all day, right alongside you, doing exactly what you (and your Lawrenceville orthodontist) have told it to do.

You Know What Clean Really Means

When it comes to maintaining Invisalign aligners, cleaning isn’t difficult. You do have to maintain a good oral hygiene routine alongside cleaning those trays though, brushing your teeth before you put the aligners back in place after a meal and making sure no bacteria or food particles get stuck between teeth and trays. You can even turn this into a mom moment and brush alongside your kids several times a day, teaching them great oral health habits and taking care of yourself in the process.

You Deserve It

Do your kids have braces already? Maybe they’re going to be orthodontic patients in the future. That’s great for them – and it’s great for you, because you can give yourself the gift of going first and becoming an Invisalign candidate or even starting your own orthodontic treatment alongside your kids. You deserve a smile that makes you feel happy, healthy, younger, and more attractive, no matter your age or profession or obligations.

Find out if you’re a good Invisalign candidate. Moms can do anything, so it’s a safe bet you can transform your smile with this innovative orthodontic alternative in no time. Schedule a consultation with Lawrenceville Orthodontists and learn more about Invisalign.